Usage from the command line
Usage: xsddoc [-option] schema
(to document a schema)
where options include:
-o -out <folder> Set the output folder
-t -doctitle <title> Set the documentation title
-h -header <header> Set the documentation header
-f -footer <footer> Set the documentation footer
-b -bottom <bottom> Set the documentation bottom
-s -hideSubTypes hide sub types references
-l -hideSubLocalUsage hide show local usage references
-p -hideTypes hide types in overview pages
-g -hideGroups hide groups in overview pages
-a -hideAttributes hide attributes in overview pages
-xml output components as XML instead of HTML (testing purpose only)
-css <css-file> optional external CSS file
-v -verbose Output messages about what xsddoc is doing
-q -quiet Be quiet about what xsddoc is doing
-d -debug Output debug messages
-? -help Print this help message